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The Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce offers a $1,000 Scholarship and two (2) $500.00/Trade Scholarships to an Aberdeen High School Graduating Senior who resides in Aberdeen. Scholarship deadline is May 1st.

The scholarship opportunity is available to qualifying graduating seniors who live in Aberdeen.  The Aberdeen residents who may attend a magnet and private school are eligible. The Holiday Inn Express,  Aberdeen MD continues to support and partner with the Chamber in this effort.

Application (in PDF Format)

If you have further questions, please contact the Chamber Office

at 410-272-2580 or email

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  1. You must be an Aberdeen resident and graduating senior attending either the Aberdeen High School, or may also be a VoTech, Magnet or a John Carroll senior that resides in the Aberdeen.

  2. You must have achieved a minimum 2.50 Grade Point Average.

  3. You must be nominated by your parent/legal guardian or teacher by May 1 of the year in which you are graduating.

  4. Nomination must be submitted on a completed Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Application. These applications can be obtained online or by calling the office at 410-272-2580 and requesting one be mailed.

  5. Completed Scholarship Application must include an official transcript of your grades for the previous academic year.

  6. Your completed scholarship application must include a “Letter of Recommendation” on your behalf from a teacher or school official.

  7. Credit will be given for community service work, employment and/or participation in extra-curricular activities at school (e.g. school clubs, organizations, etc). Please be sure to reference this information in your application.

  8. You must submit an original essay (both in idea and content) with your completed Scholarship Application, of not more than 200 words, typed/double spaced, to include correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. Please choose one of the following topics:

    1. Describe your most meaningful achievements and how they relate to your field of study and your future goals.

    2. Describe how you have demonstrated leadership ability both in and out of school.

    3. Explain the importance of (your major) in today’s society.

  9. Send your completed application along with grade transcript and essay must be postmarked and/or received by May 1st. These should be mailed to:

Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce
1013 Beards Hill Rd Box 426
Aberdeen, MD 21001


  1. Essay of the scholarship recipient will become the property of the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce and may be included in future Chamber publications and/or released for media publication.

  2. The Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce must be provided with proof of admission from the school at which the scholarship is to be applied.

  3. Scholarship will be awarded in check form, payable to the school at which the scholarship is to be applied, or to the business in which you will be working.

  4. Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce staff, board members, volunteers and their immediate family members are ineligible for this scholarship.

  5. Financial need of the applicant and the income of the applicant’s family are NOT factors in the applicant evaluations.

  6. The scholarship award decision of the scholarship committee is final.


The scholarship committee consist of Aberdeen Chamber Board members and/or individuals from the general membership, who will review all applications and score each of the following items:  written essay, letter of recommendation, Grade Point Average, description of employment and/or service activities and attendance.  In the process of reviewing submitted applications, the applicant’s name will be covered.  The individuals with the highest score will be our winners.


The Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Committee will determine the scholarship recipient after evaluating essay, grade transcript, letter of recommendation, attendance and application information pertaining to the individual’s academic and extra-curricular activities, for applications received by the May 1st deadline. Applications postmarked and/or received after the May 1st deadline will be excluded from scholarship consideration.

Each applicant’s entry is evaluated individually and scored with points assessed for Essay- originality and content, Grade Point Average, Community Service Work, Employment or participation in Extra-Curricular School Activities, Attendance, and the strength of the Recommendation Letters. (Please note- evaluation criteria listed above is not necessarily in order of importance.)

PLEASE NOTE: Be sure to follow the rules very carefully as outlined above under “REQUIREMENTS” and “REGULATIONS”. If the rules are not adhered to or a nomination is incomplete, you will automatically be excluded from further consideration.

The Executive Director will notify the scholarship recipient per the scholarship committee selection.

The student will be required to attend the June Scholarship Award Luncheon.

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